Friday, 19 October 2012

Differential FPL v1.8.4 Released: Sharing

Sharing - that's the point of Fantasy Football isn't it? Bragging to your friends/rivals after you have a good gameweek or make an inspired transfer, or pointing out the weaknesses in their team.. Maybe just showing everyone in your minileague some enlightening stats.

So the major new feature in v1.8.4 is sharing. On most screens, you can hit the 'sharing' icon (it may be on the actionbar at the top of the screen, on the menu, depending on your device) - this will enable you to share what you are currently looking at via any means available on your device (that could be email, twitter, facebook etc - whatever you have installed).

As you can see, the image that I emailed to myself in this case shows more than you would normally see on-screen on a standard device. I hope you have fun with that!

Some other features to be added in the last few weeks since the initial release (alonside varous fixes):
  • Players your your squad are now highlighted on the vidiprinter, and a filter button allows you to show only thse events
  • Enabled the viewing of future gameweeks on the 'Matches' screen
  • Added player transfer stats: gameweek transfers in, gameweek transfers out, gameweek net transfers in
  • New rival stats: bank, team value, total value
If you have any ideas for new features, then please let me know below, or by email (there is a contact link on the 'About' screen). The app was originally designed around what I would like in the Fantasy Football tool - but I'm sure that others have great ideas about how to improve it!

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Differential FPL is now live!

Finally.. Differential FPL is now available on Google Play.

I would like to say a big thankyou to all of you who helped beta-test for the last year.

Friday, 13 April 2012

Release Candidate

After several months of beta testing, during which bugs have been fixed, new features added and interfaces refined, RC1 was released to testers yesterday. This means that a full release is (hopefully) to folow very shortly.

The release candidate looks very much like this:

Recent additions have included player game previews, FPL notes sync, new widget sizes, player performance pie graphic, and a whole load of stuff in the background.

I'll be posting a user manual of sorts on this blog soon, and hopefully be releasing onto Google Play (ie the Android Market) just as soon.