The selection of the squad is shown, with points scored displayed for each player. A set of status icons are also displayed where applicable to give you the fullest information about how the gameweek is progressing (see the key at the bottom of the screen): -
- No icon - still has fixtures remaining
- Playing - currently has a fixture in progress
- Finished (Played) - has played in a match, and has no fixture remaining
- Finished (Played) + Bonus - as above, and bonus points have been allocated for all matches
- Finished (Not Played) - all fixtures scheduled for this player in the gameweek have taken place, but the player did not take part. They may be auto-subbed out at this point
- Auto-Sub In -The player was initially selected on the bench, but was automatically substituted into the team for a player who did not play
- Auto-Sub Out - The player was selected in the team, but did not play during the gameweek, so has been automatically substituted out for another player
The status and scores displayed on this screen are updated by the Scores sync panel item. When this runs, it updates all player scores and also processes autosubs/captain changes.
Autosubs are processed as soon as the relevant matches are marked as finished (this may be a few minutes after the final whistle blows).
You can select a player to view a breakdown of their points-scoring this week at the top of the screen. Click again after selecting them to view player details.
Buttons are provided at the top of the screen which link to the Squad screen, the FPL Gameweek page (in the Android Browser) and the gameweek Hot screen (from the GW pts link) for the squad. A dropdown allows you to view points for any past gameweek.
Any transfers made for the selected gameweek are displayed below the squad, with details of how the incoming and ourgoing players scored.