Monday 30 December 2013

Live Bonus Points, and many fixes

It's been a while since the last update - but I think you'll like this one....

You can now see live bonus points while matches are in progress!

This new option will be enabled by default. During matches, the latest bps scores will be used to determine the current bonus points allocation, and this will be applied to all player/rival totals all around the app. No more waiting until hours after final whistle to see how many points you and your rivals really got!

Beware - don't get too attached to those live bonus points - they may disappear!

There are also a couple of other new things in this release (v2.0.6), along with a few bug fixes:-

- Live bonus points added (option)
- Alternate colour option for pie/ticker
- Updated player pictures
- Click on season in Player screen

- Prevent duplicate kick-off notifications
- Correct squad score on Selection screen
- Fixed 'Join differential minileague' option
- Mark 'Captain still to play' on hot screen where VC still to play

Tuesday 23 July 2013

Differential FPL 2013/14 now released

The title says it all! I have now updated Differential FPL for the new season.

A few things in the player database had to be changed this year, so let me know if you spot any anomalies. There will also be another update in a couple of days to fix a couple of update-related bugs.

Tuesday 16 July 2013

2013/14 Update

FPL launched the 2013/14 game yesterday, so I have just started updating Differential for the new season.

I have encountered the first stumbling block; that all player unique IDs have changed this year - that will require some working around. Hopefully there aren't any other changes like that for me yet to discover...

I'll be releasing an update when everything is working.