League Page

This is the page that is displayed when you click on a minileague name.


A list of squads in the minileague are displayed, in points order. A worm next to each squad displays total points (with a blue section for this gameweek's points). Your squad is highlighted in green, and other squads show a differential total to your score. A green icon next to a squad indicates that they have been designated as a rival.

If a squad is not designated a rival, then their total score and differential score are greyed out to indicate that these are not live-updated totals (only tivals are live-updated, because Differential knows which players are selected for them to apply points updated).

Select a squad to view more details, and to add or remove designated rival status.

Note that only the first page of teams form any league are displayed here. Some leagues are extremely large and it would be impracticle to sync the entire membership list from FPL on a regular basis.


The details tab shows which gameweek scoring started from in this league - not all leagues started scoring in gameweek 1, so your points total may vary from league to league!

Also here is a button which allows you to mark all teams in the league as rivals, without doing them one by one. When doing this, please consider the fact that any team marked as a rival must have its selection synced every gameweek (all of which uses data) - I recommend a core group of genuine rivals/friends/colleagues.